Intermediaries Welcome

Embassy Financial Services welcomes industry & related professionals as introducers/intermediaries. Whether you are a Finance Broker or Accountant, Financial Advisor or Property/Estate Agent, where your profession involves client(s) requiring funding then Register now using the form below. We will then contact you to confirm the mutual benefits as we work in all areas of lending, have intrinisic relationships with key lenders as well as the wealth of 30 years industry experience.

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Email Address: *
Specific Areas of Interest  Bridging Loans
 Secured Loans
 Development Finance
 Buy to Let / Mortgage
 Commercial Finance
Comments/Case Scenario:
Contact Embassy Financial Services

Please think carefully about securing loans or debts against your home or property. Your home or property may be at risk of repossession if you do not keep up the repayments on a loan/mortgage or any other debt secured against it.